Final Version

This package is no longer maintained by its developer. While it may still be functional, neither Dynastic nor the developer can guarantee future updates, support, or bug fixes.

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A personalized touch for Twitter and Twttr

FreeBird is an app-wide color customization tweak for the Twitter and Twttr apps, that replaces the Dim dark mode built into Twitter.

You can also customize the DM colors for a more personalized touch!

Requires libsparkcolourpicker from

What's New

  • Removes Compact Tweet Draft Menu as it no longer works
  • Added toggle to Tint Overlays
  • Added toggle to Hide Dividers
  • Some code clean-up that may fix a rare crash users were having

Known Issues

As apps update, features may break due to required code being removed or changed. Not all features can or will be restored with a tweak update.

The best way to maintain functionality is to ignore app updates, or use AppStore ++ from CokePokes to downgrade to a version that’s compatible with the tweak.

1.1 Version
Free Price
Revulate Developer

Help with FreeBird

[email protected] Support Email
Revulate Support Twitter