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Jeff Rescignano



Easily share songs with friends!


SongShare is an iOS tweak that will automatically detect when you’ve copied a music URL to your clipboard and will automatically convert them to a SongLink. This allows you to easily share this new link with friends, who will be able to open the link and choose their streaming service of choice to open the song (or album) in.

Supported Platforms

| Platform | Supported by SongLink | |———————|———————–| | Amazon/Amazon Music | ✓ | | Apple Music | ✓ | | Deezer | ✓ | | Google Play | ✓ | | Napster | ✓ | | iTunes | ✓ | | SoundCloud | ✓ | | Spinrilla | ✓ | | Spotify | ✓ | | Tidal | ✓ | | Yandex | ✓ | | YouTube | ✓ | | YouTube Music | ✓ |


The available settings allow you to accept a prompt before the new link is copied, send a notification after the new link has been copied, only convert links while connected to Wi-Fi, and keep the original link in parentheses alongside the new link.

Source Code

The source code for this project is available on GitHub at JeffResc/SongShare.

What's New

  • Optimize images
  • Fix Tidal URL scheme
  • Remove SongWhip Sharing Provider due to API complications
  • Include song title in the alert shown when prompted to copy a new URL
  • Bump dependencies to latest versions

Known Issues

  • Not compatible with AutoApollo2. This issue is currently being investigated.
1.0.1 Version
Free Price
Jeff Rescignano Developer

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