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Felicity Pro

Felicity, but Pro.
Please Note:
This theme requires a theming engine to work. Some of these theming engines include SnowBoard, iThemer and Anemone. Felicity Pro has been specifically built to be used with SnowBoard, but any of the above should work. This theme supports theming Settings App Icons. For this to work, you will need to install SnowBoard Settings Icons Extension from SparkDev’s repo.
Felicity Pro takes everything that was great about Felicity and pushes it further. With Felicity Pro, there is an all new redesign with deeper shadows and sharper glyphs. Many of the gradients and colors have also been improved for an all-round improved and more premium look and feel. Felicity Pro supports 720+ icons. This is a number that will only grow with future releases. There is also a total of 19 alternate icons at launch and you can also expect this number to grow.
With Felicity Pro, every icon has been made with great care and attention to detail to ensure that all your icons have a uniform appearance. Felicity Pro has 3 different Alt Icon folders accessible through your Theming engine. These 3 folders have many different alt icon options so you can fully customize your icons. Some of these alt icons include different styled wallet icons, and also iOS 9/10 iTunes & AppStore Icons.
How is this better than Felicity?
First (and most obvious), Felicity Pro supports many more icons. A total of 700 (reg felicity is around 250).
More vibrant colours. Felicity Pro uses the full potential of your iDevice’s display. All icons feature rich and vibrant colours and gradients.
All new redesign. Every single icon has been completely redone with deeper shadows and sharper glyphs. I certainly prefer this new redesign, and i am sure you will too!
Future updates. More and more updates will be coming to Felicity Pro in the future with all new content.
I would like to thank all of the people that have supported the development of Felicity Pro. Whether it be sending me icon requests, or simply supporting/liking/retweeting my posts on twitter. It really helps me while developing themes. It keeps me motivated and excited and hopefully it shows in my work.
If you like this theme and want to follow its development, you should follow me on Twitter @xerusdesign to keep up to date with future updates!
What's New
Added updated Books and Camera icons in line with new iOS 15 style
Changes and updates to existing icons such as Maps, StockX and more.