
Get a notification when a new song starts!
Playing is a tweak that allows you to get a notification when a new song starts.
- Doesn’t spam your notifications list
- Playing automatically removes the previous ‘Now Playing’ notification, this means that your notification list isn’t being spammed with notifications but you’re still getting the best experience
- You can also automatically clear Playing Notifications after a certain amount of time! Check it out in Playing’s Preferences
- Open the current app when you tap the banner
- Easily access the current media app by tapping the Player Banner
- Blacklist applications
- Don’t want certain apps delivering Playing Notifications? No problem, just blacklist them in Playing’s Preferences
- Change how your notifications behave
- You can configure Playing’s notifications like any other iOS App. Just go to Settings > Notifications > Playing and change what you need to!
- Customisable Notification Text
- Don’t like the default notification text? No worries. Just open the Playing preferences pane and customise your text!
- ShortLook Support
- Plating uses the override feature of the ShortLook API to bring you an informative, but nice looking message when using it paired with the album art of the current song, truly beautiful
- Hide banners in certain apps
- Don’t want to see the Playing Banner in certain apps? Just select the ones you don’t want to see banners in in Playing’s Preferences
- Use the current Media App to send notifications
- Want to see what app is currently playing that media? Just enable ‘Send notifications as Media App’!
- Use ShortLook? No problem, the album art will still show!
- Applies settings without a respring
- Pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it? Respringing means less time listening to music, and no one wants that!
I hope you enjoy Playing as much as I did making it.
- If you’re a developer and want to see the source code or contribute, the GitHub Page is here
- If you have found a bug, feel free to shoot me an email or DM me on Twitter by clicking Need help? below
What's New
✨ Playing 1.3.1 is now here! This version includes the following:
- Official iOS 14 Support
- If banners are disabled in the current app that is open, the notification will be sent to the lockscreen instead of not being sent at all
- General bug fixes and performance improvements
Sidenote: thanks for 20,000 downloads!
Help with Playing
[email protected]
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