
Alert customization to the max
Compatible with iOS 12.0 and higher. If you get a “Depends: libcscolorpicker” error when installing, add to your sources and try again
Snell–the ultimate alert customization tweak! Snell lets you change just about everything to do with pop up alerts. It comes with 6 built in presets (see screenshots), or you can change every element individually.
Snell lets you change all of the following aspects of alerts:
- Background (use homescreen/lockscreen wallpaper)
- Blur type
- Text color for title/message/actions (each can be controlled individually)
- Alert backdrop color/transparency
- Separators …and many more!
BUG REPORTS: If you find a bug, please let me know via the “contact support” button at the bottom of this page.
REFUNDS: I accept all refunds for any reason. If you requested a refund and it isn’t approved in a reasonable amount of time, I probably just forgot, please send me an email via the “contact support” button at the bottom of this page.
What's New
- Adds AirPods connect style alerts
- Adds tvOS style alerts